HOPE was a series I decided to do in support of a suicide prevention non profit out of Chicago called Hope For The Day using a minimalist approach with style. I believe in the power of words and their ability to regulate emotional states in other people, triggering feelings of empathy or disgust. Fear or love. I chose the words I did thinking of the things that kept me from pulling a trigger those dark nights I sat there not wanting to live anymore. I combined the English with the Japanese word for hope along with the origami crane representing hope, healing and resilience. The 3 stars of Orion's Belt have guided humanity in different ways over the millennia and are represented in this series as well as my latest, Worlds Apart.
Suicide prevention is a subject that hits close to home for many of us. I've lost an uncle, a cousin, a best friend and my grandma I never got to meet to this epidemic. The loss of loved ones to deaths of despair is something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. And so many of us have felt like quitting ourselves, or known someone who has. I hope to raise awareness around the issues of social withdrawal and suicide prevention with this series and hopefully raise some money for HFTD so they can keep doing the work of saving lives.